Quality materials

I choose my materials with care not only for you, but for our environment and the future of this planet too. Knowing the origin of the wool I am using is important to me, and I take it very seriously.

I come from Uruguay, where high quality wool and wool products are part of our identity and one of our many riches. Most of the yarn I use comes from Uruguay. You may ask, “why do you go so far away to buy yarn when you could buy it here?” It is true, I can find beautiful yarn locally too. However, when I buy yarn and wool from Uruguay I do it in part because no matter how far I am from my country, it always is and feels “local” for me.

I also use yarn from my country, because it’s a way of supporting their local industry. The wool that I spin into yarn to weave, comes from someone I personally met. The beautiful yarn that I choose for my creations, comes from a non-profit organization, Manos del Uruguay, which is a cooperative of women artisans, who – among other things - hand dye yarn in small batches, making each skein unique and special. Just like I try to make each one of my designs.

Creating pieces using Uruguayan yarn, is like sharing a piece of my identity with each person that wears that shawl or that scarf. I am connected to the material in a deeper level, than if I just were using yarn that I buy in a store, and I hope that is something that you can feel when you wrap yourself in one of my creations.